I’ll tell you more about myself someday. For now, just know that I use this site mostly just for testing stuff out. It’s not a real blog yet. I don’t really have time for it.
If you’re really interested in finding out more about me, and really who isn’t, then look at the Kevin Edwards profile on Facebook.
You can also find and friend Kevin Edward’s profile on Google+.

Hello Kevin,
I just came across your post regarding the wireless sending of pics to the 7D.
My question is do you have to use the specific Eye-Fi card or would the 4gig version work as well?
Right now my wife and I are in northern Italy and will be shooting in Europe for 3 months. We also have our MacBook Pro and iPad2 (yeah, a little techy, but oh well.) We would love to shoot and have the other review when we are in the field. Ideally figure out how to get the pics from the iPad to drop box but that we can figure out as we go.
Looks lime we can get everythibg online, but wanted to checkpoint the card size issue before ordering.
Hi Kevin – I just saw your comment on another blog about iphone moisture damage and have to disagree – I’ve just gotten a phone replaced under warranty by apple. Despite this I am LIVID about the way it was done and am investigating how I’m meant to complain – apple don’t seem to have an appropriate twitter channel so I’ll just have to whinge about them not to them.
I had a smarmy genius using accusatory language saying I was full of shit that I didn’t get it wet. Sydney has been under deluges of rain for the pats few weeks, so there’s been plenty of humidity, but I honestly do not believe my phone’s ever been wet; I’m as anal about it as someone can be, and the water sensor apparently was off after having it for 300 days.
I’ll say again, I do not believe it’s ever been exposed to anything but humidity – it’s had condensation from being cold when I come into the house and having it in the bathroom when I take a shower. I run with it, (not in the rain!) and have it in my pocket sometimes walking about in the rain with an umbrella, but that’s the most moisture it’s ever been exposed to.
Also, the Australian carriers blame apple for the fact that they can’t unlock a phone – I’m going to New Zealand on a holiday in a few weeks – I literally only just got my phone unlocked after about four weeks of long phone conversations with my carrier swearing it’s apples fault but they’ll ‘try again’. And then my phone stopped turning on for longer than about a minute or two… with 90% battery.
The way the smarmy ‘genius’ told me he was doing me a ‘massive favour’, giving me a locked phone that he told me would ‘inherit the old ones settings’ has left me really ticked off. I asked whether I could get them in touch with the carrier people to get it unlocked, like my ‘water damaged’ phone and he told me it wasn’t his problem.
I don’t see how I’m meant to be able to endorse an iphone if they have requirements that you only use it in dry desert air. I’d love to know what the specs are around humidity, because my phone has not been wet, and I think apple must be mistreating more people like me. I’m not sure what I’m meant to do now; try and sell it ? Put it in a dry bag with half a kilo of silica gel ?